Sunday, March 17, 2013

Henkes, K. (2004). Kitten's first full moon. New York: Harper Collins.
Kevin Henke's book, "Kitten's First Full Moon" depicts the story of a kitten whom is very hungry, but even more brave.  She looks up to the big, bright full moon that she is seeing for the first time and thinks that it is a big bowl of milk.  She stretches for it, licks at it, jumps up for the milk, climbs trees for it, and even jumps in a pond for it.  She had several unlucky happenings trying to get to her big bowl of milk, when all she had to do was go home.

The illustrations in this picture book are realistic and black and white throughout, helping us to better understand the setting of the story.
.The main character in the story, the kitten, is a very memorable character.  We get to watch her as she perseveres to try to get her bowl of milk, with many unlucky attempts.  Then, finally, she turns to go back home, and there it is...just waiting on her.

This is a story that I would love to use with my students.  We would begin by sequencing the story, and discussing how the kitten felt each time she tried and failed when trying to reach the big bowl of milk.  Then, we would brainstorm ideas of times when we showed perseverance; a time when we tried and tried to get to something, or do something.  Then we would illustrate the story by showing how we felt on each page.

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